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As a parent, it’s important for our kids to learn a great many things. Hard work, self-reliance, and perseverance are great attributes, ones we want all of our kids to have. Hopefully, what the Geeky Parent Guide hopes to share today will shine a light on another attribute that might make them appreciate their own hard work even more – recognizing selfless dedication from others.
Parents can share with their children that when someone is willing to help, that person is committing time, energy, and resources to aid another with whatever task is set before her. This is not only generous, it’s a decision to commit to a geeky role and be invaluable in its production. The Geeky Parent Guide will be officially one year old this April. There were also several months of preparation before its initial posting to determine the GPG’s voice and messaging, in an effort to build articles that would show enough merit to an audience to return again and again.
From the beginning, Michele Brittany has been that person, being editor for the Geeky Parent Guide, as well as sharing thoughtful insights into relevant and interesting topics. One way to recognize an individual, which the GPG will do today, is to highlight Michele and share a little bit about what makes her an amazing colleague and wonderful friend.
Popular Culture Credentials
Some of you might recognize Michele, as she is a Fanbase Press staffer, serving as Editorials Manager – with her special staff title being “Head of Q Branch.” If you need a frame of reference, perhaps check out James Bond and Popular Culture: Essays on the Influence of the Fictional Superspy (McFarland & Company, 2014). This is one of two academic anthologies where Michele has served as editor, analyzing pop culture and all of its glory.
The first anthology discusses a legendary character in fiction, while the second has earned her an award nomination from the Horror Writers Association (HWA). The 2017 Bram Stoker Awards will be announced on Saturday, March 3, and the Final Ballot lists Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre (McFarland & Company, 2017) within the category,“Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction.”
Michele also serves as book review editor for an academic journal which revolves around comics and graphic novels. Along with being the Editorials Manager at Fanbase, Michele sees plenty of work reviewing comic books, writing editorials, preparing and conducting interviews, and all of the tasks required to ready and moderate panels at conventions.
“Fanbase Press Presents” is a panel series held at conventions, and Michele isn’t a stranger to leading those panels – previously moderating “Things That Go Bump in Horror Comics” and “Sword & Sorcery in Pop Culture” at L.A. Comic Con. Coming up at Long Beach Comic Expo (Feb. 17 and 18), she’ll be taking the lead on “Swords, Sandals, Sorcery, and Other Worlds” and “Exploring Themes of Legacy in Star Wars.”
Not only has Michele become an academic aficionado in various pop culture franchises and genre films, she continues to expand her reach for things that she loves. Michele is actively researching mummies of ancient civilizations, including Egypt, to write her first nonfiction book – something this geeky parent already can’t wait to read.
If that’s not enough, as an academic member of the HWA, she is co-chair of the Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference, where she also presents on horror studies. Michele is also active in photography, taking photos at conventions, concerts, and out in the wild.
Personal Favorites
Now that we’ve discussed a little bit of Michele’s professional background, let’s explore some of Michele’s favorite things. Michele loves cats – perhaps coming full circle with the adoration those of Ancient Egypt felt for felines. She also donates her time to a local cat shelter, and, of course, she does have her own cat.
Although visiting travel sites and seeing photos of foreign cities can be a fun experience, Michele believes traveling to different places in the world is the best way to experience beautiful places and learn and appreciate different cultures. She’s been able to travel to the United Kingdom, Cuba, Russia, and Egypt, and when she’s not physically finding adventures abroad, she constantly immerses herself in a good book.
When she isn’t editing books, researching, writing reviews or editorials, conducting interviews, moderating panels, taking photographs, participating in podcasts, being a ribbon-winning woodcarver once upon a time, or sharing her insights with the Geeky Parent Guide, Michele is constantly selecting the “Continue watching” option when asked on Netflix, “Are you still watching?”
If you want to follow Michele, check out her online profiles:
As we look at a brief account of the accomplishments of Michele Brittany, it is quite simply an honor to have her be involved with the Geeky Parent Guide. It is an easy way to highlight Michele as a positive example for parents to share with their kids. Find what you’re passionate about, dedicate your time to those things, and satisfaction will come in a variety of different ways. In Michele’s case, she achieves professional growth, mentors writers, and collaborates with individuals she can call friends. To put it plainly, that is a shining light on a positive example for kids to emulate.
For this geeky parent, I am grateful for Michele’s efforts with the Geeky Parent Guide, and I recognize her unwavering support. Despite her exceedingly busy schedule, she finds time to share her expertise and kind words of encouragement. In ways I hope I can translate to my own children, she is someone I hope they will have the opportunity to meet, so they can look up to her, too.
Until next time, geeky friends, happy parenting and happy geeking.