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"Get Carter!"
Not just the name of a 2000 Sylvester Stallone flick! This was also the battle cry of Lynda Carter fans not long after the announcement of the first silver screen film version of Wonder Woman (coming in 2017). The prospect of a Wonder Woman film, coupled with the fact that the actress most associated with the titular role (Lynda Carter) was still alive, still acting, and still looking like a beautiful Amazon warrior had fans wishing, hoping, and begging that filmmakers would give Carter a role in the new movie. Or at very least a cameo appearance. It seemed like a no-brainer and an obvious choice to cast Carter as Hippolya, Wonder Woman's mother, and Queen of the Amazons. Now that she was a little older, it would seem fairly easy to fit into that role.
Such dreams were dashed last week as the announcement was made that Gladiator actress Connie Nielsen would be the one to fill the matriarchal sandals for the part of Diana's mother. This also put to rest the question of whether or not Robin Wright would play said role. Things aren't looking good for a Lynda Carter appearance. Or are they? After all, Carter herself has expressed interest in being in the film. And why shouldn't she be? They would be foolish not to take advantage of her offer and even more foolish to infuriate fans by not giving Lynda some screen time.
Chris Pine-,who's cast as Wonder Woman's male lead and love interest, made things all the more interesting during an E! online interview last week. When asked point blank if Lynda would make a cameo appearance in the film, he replied that "... Even if he could say, he wouldn't... And, he can't..." Curiouser and curiouser... Something in his coy answer gave me confidence that Carter would indeed be in the film. What was it? Part playfulness on his part, and part wide-eyed optimism on my part.
The Good
It would be so exciting for fans to see Lynda Carter take part in a big screen version of Wonder Woman. As the current reigning physical embodiment of WW, she has more than earned her right to be in the film, if nothing else to "pass the torch" to Gadot. She's publicly expressed her support for Gal as a new generation's Wonder Woman.
The Bad
The are few concerns I can think of having Carter Cameo in WW. When actors are so identifiable by their defining roles, is it possibly distracting when they make cameo appearances? Does it take you too much out of the movie when they appear? I would be careful in deciding her role. If she's not to play Hippolyta, then she should be given a role of equal significance. I'd cast her as one of the Greek Goddesses, perhaps Hera or Athena. She could easily slip into the role and make it her own while still being an important part of the Wonder Woman mythos.
The Ugly
As much as I want to see Lynda in the film, is there a possibility that she would upstage the new Wonder Woman? Even in her 60s Carter is still beautiful and captivating. While Gadot is not hard on the eyes, I'm not sure if I would want to compete. At the end of the day, I think Carter will and should make an appearances in the film. Hollywood seems pretty good about honoring those who came before in cameos. The problem usually lies in the actor not being willing to appear. Carter's willing and still looks great. It'd be a darn shame to pass up such a great opportunity to make Hollywood history!
What do you think? Do you think Lynda Carter should be in Wonder Woman? Of course you do!
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